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Daylong Nonviolent Occupation of “Wall St West”
January 21, 2012
OccupySF Press Team +1 415 937-7759, press@occupywallstwest.org
Daylong Nonviolent Occupation of “Wall St West”
Thousands Demand End to Bank Evictions and Foreclosures, End to Corporate Personhood
San Francisco – On January 20, 2012 (J20), thousands of San Francisco Bay Area residents occupied San Francisco’s Financial District as part of the Occupy Wall St West actions to demand that banks end predatory evictions and foreclosures and that corporations lose the rights of personhood. Protestors targeted banks and corporations that have damaged Bay Area communities, homes, education, environment, livelihood, and democracy.
Participants considered the Occupy Wall Street West (OWSW) J20 action a success. Thousands of people from every sector of the Bay Area braved cold and rain to stage dozens of direct actions and events in San Francisco’s Financial District, in front of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and in disrupting the City Hall auction of bank-foreclosed homes.
One group kicked off the day of action dressed as giant squids at Goldman Sachs, which Rolling Stone journalist Matt Taibbi refers to as “a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money”.
Protestors shut down Wells Fargo Corporate Headquarters on Montgomery Street by chaining themselves to the doors. Police arrested at least eleven protestors who demanded an end to predatory bank evictions and foreclosures.
Demonstrators also occupied Bank of America’s main branch at Montgomery and California streets, which the activists blockaded and shut down for nine hours. At Citicorp’s 1 Sansome office, protestors staged a mock foreclosure, piling furniture and moving boxes into the revolving door at the main entrance.
A half block away, clergy and religious leaders marched around the banks blowing the horns of Jericho. Two flash mobs performed throughout the day and a brass band a numerous poets and bans performed on a pedal powered sound system.
Iraq Veterans Against the War engaged in guerrilla theater, detaining fellow protestors on suspicion of “terrorism” in a protest against an unconstitutional provision of the National Defense Authorization Act, recently passed by the U.S. Congress and signed by President Obama, one provision of which permits the arrest and indefinite detention of US citizens anywhere in the world, including the US.
At Bechtel, 45 Beale Street, four activists, including Father Louis Vitale, read a list of numerous charges of war profiteering against the corporation in the building lobby.
Occupy Oakland’s mobile music bus led several marches through the Financial District. One BofA branch was transformed into the roving People’s Food Bank of America at 1 Market Street where a hot, nutritious, organic meal sustained freezing Occupiers. According to a mainstream press source, a presumably well-employed passerby told the mysterious amorphous black blob that oozed around the financial district to go get a job. An Occupier deftly replied, “The occupation is our job.”
Meanwhile, at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Move To Amend activists held a teach-in featuring author Ted Nace and the local head of the National Lawyers Guild, drawing several hundred citizens who expressed their outrage at the US embrace of corporate personhood. As “Occupy the Courts” wrapped up, the group presented an oversized printed copy of the proposed 28th Amendment to Cathy Catterson, Executive of the Ninth US Circuit and Court of Appeals.
Then over at Occupy the Auction, Occupy Bernal protestors and supporters got the news that their planned protest at the weekly foreclosure auctions led Wells Fargo to postpone a foreclosure auction of the property rented by Bernal neighbors Maria and Washington Davila. Maria Davila and other foreclosure fighters thanked the crowd of about two hundred protestors for this first important step toward stopping banks from their predatory evictions and foreclosures throughout San Francisco.
Protestors stormed Fortress Investments to demand a halt to predatory equity scams where landlords and banks buy apartment buildings intending to remove rent-controlled units from the market so they can replace them with market-rate tenants. Other protestors occupied busses running on Market and Mission Streets to demand free transportation for youth.
Labor activists put foam in a fountain at the Grand Hyatt at Union Square to protest the anti-labor practices of the hotel chain, calling for a boycott in support of workers who are fighting for fair contracts at all three San Francisco Hyatts. Protestors led by the Filipino Community Center, with participation from the Chinese Progressive Association of San Francisco, occupied the Citi Apartments office to fight for workers’ stolen wages.
A march ended at Van Ness Avenue at Geary where hundreds of protestors had a rainy standoff with the SFPD. Police pepper sprayed a dozen protestors. More than a hundred occupiers gained entrance to the Cathedral Hill Hotel at 1001 Van Ness Ave. where they held a housewarming party and occupied the hotel until the early hours of the following morning. A site of labor disputes, the hotel sits vacant while 10,000 homeless people are living on the streets of San Francisco.
Occupy Wall St West — a broad alliance of occupy and allied organizations and individuals had agreed that all actions would remain nonviolent and would not include damage to property. An incident of property damage by individuals who were not part of Occupy Wall St West occurred as an early evening march passed by on Van Ness Ave. The march immediately stopped and organizers and participants made sure no other such damage occurred.
The Occupy Wall Street West action involved dozens of affinity groups (people self-organized into groups to participate in the occupation) and over 55 labor, environmental, student, tenant, homeowner, arts, LGBT, peace, and community organizations targeting specific banks and corporations.
The January 20, 2012, Occupy Wall St West actions were the culmination of actions in which hundreds of protestors successfully shut down bank branches in the Excelsior, Mission, and Bernal neighborhoods. The Occupy Movement will continue to build a strategic mass movement asserting the power of the 99% for economic justice and a better world.
For featured news roll, videostreams, and twitter feeds:
See www.occupywallstwest.org and http://www.occupysf.org
To subscribe to the press list or obtain photos and video of the actions: www.occupywallstwest.org/press
Occupy SF strives to address and confront the injustices in our society by giving voice to the 99% through direct actions. OSF is simultaneously creating a new culture based on direct democracy, diversity, sustainable communities, and respect for all peoples and the environment.
Occupy SF Housing is a coalition which includes OccupySF, SF Tenants Union, Housing Rights Committee of SF, Causa Justa: Just Cause, Eviction Defense Collaborative, ACCE, Homes Not Jails, Occupy Bernal, and other community groups and individuals. The coalition came together to stop banks from evicting tenants and homeowners through foreclosures or through their partnerships with real estate speculators.
Information on prior Occupy SF Housing actions:
Excelsior: www.occupywallstwest.org/wordpress/?p=362
Mission: www.occupywallstwest.org/wordpress/?p=713
Bernal: occupybernal.org/wordpress/?p=238 and occupybernal.org/wordpress/?p=190
January 20 Occupy Wall St West Photo Gallery
Thanks to all the photographers and videographers who provided images of the January 20, 2012, Occupy Wall St West day of actions. If you have more photos or videos, please let us know on the comments form of the Workgroups page.
Check out the photos just below or the links to more photos.
Links to More Photos
January 20 Occupy Wall St West Video Gallery
Thanks to all the photographers and videographers who provided images of the January 20, 2012, Occupy Wall St West day of actions. If you have more photos or videos, please let us know on the comments form of the Workgroups page.
Check out the videos just below or the links to more videos.
Links to More Videos
- “Embody the Movement” of J20 & the One People Flashmob from videographer Ben Flannigan
- Occupy Wall St West by Sacred Resonance
- RAW Footage of SFPD Clubbing and Pepper Spraying Peaceful Protesters at Occupy Wall St West Protest
- SFPD Pepper Spray Seminarian Filming Documentary at Occupy Wall Street West Peaceful Protest
- Standing on the Side of Love with Street Medics and Local Subway Shop
- Street Medics Treat Peaceful Protester Pepper Sprayed by SFPD: Cop Violence Out of Control
- Live feed of occupiers entering Cathedral Hill Hotel
- San Francisco Financial District Lockdown, Gianni Francesco
January 20 Occupy Wall St West News
Thanks for an Amazing Day of Actions!
Thanks to everyone who contributed to such an amazing day of Occupy Wall St West actions yesterday, January 20, 2012. Onward!
Ways to Support Cathedral Hill Hotel Occupiers
8:33pm — Please join your fellow Occupy SF activists by showing up for a Housewarming party at the Cathedral Hill Hotel, 1101 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, CA 94109. Please come prepared!
Cathedral Hill Hotel Occupied
8:10pm — More than a hundred protestors have occupied the Cathedral Hill Hotel and are celebrating. Occupy SF General Assembly on the roof of the hotel. Occupy SF secured a vacant hotel to point out the injustice of homelessness while there is a vacant hotel. California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) plans to demolish the building to construct a new hospital and apparently has no plans to treat Medicare patients and the 99% who can’t afford skyrocketing medical costs.
Daytime View of Cathedral Hill Hotel
A daytime view of the 600-unit Cathedral Hill Hotel.
Sticker Pick
Spotted on bank ATM: “A protest a day keeps the corporations away.”
Protestors Occupy Cathedral Hill Hotel at Franklin and Geary
7:47pm — Protestors occupy Cathedral Hill Hotel at Franklin and Geary, which has been vacant and closed for years, although slated for conversion into a California Pacific Medical Center hospital. Protestors hung a banner which reads “People’s Food Bank of America”.
Black Bloc Smashes Windows
7:18pm — Black Bloc protestors smashed at least one window at Bentley luxury car store in violation of Occupy Wall St West action agreement which requires Occupy SF GA and/or Occupy SF Action Council consensus for use of property destruction at today’s actions.
Cops Pepper Spray Twelve People, Beat Protestors
UPDATE 8:00pm — Occupy medics have treated the people who were pepper sprayed. 7:13pm — Riot cops have apparently sprayed at least twelve people with pepper spray and are beating protestors at Van Ness and Geary. Police reinforcements are arriving.
Riot Police Protecting Van Ness and Geary
7:04pm — The march arrived to a phalanx of a hundred or more police near the target site. A row of riot cops with barricades behind them are blocking the entire road and thousands of protestors are shouting “Cops go home!”.
March Rallies at Bank of America
6:11pm — Speaker gives a shout out to all the groups represented at the day’s actions. Lots of people turned out for a windy, rainy day.
Wells Shutters Third Bank
6:02pm — Wells Fargo boarded up a third bank at 1 Montgomery St (at Post).
Protestors at Bank of America Unlock With Great Success!
6:00pm — Occupy SF protestors who locked down to shut down the Bank of America headquarters at 345 Montgomery Street unlocked after bank hours to declare their action an amazing success.
Mass March Rejoins Protestors Locked Down for 9 Hours at BofA HQ
5:55pm — Occupy SF protestors marched from Bradley Manning (Justin Herman) Plaza to the Bank of America to rejoin protestors engaged in civil disobedience to shut down the bank for the last nine hours.
Police Occupy Bus, Marchers Flood California Street
5:51pm UPDATE Occubus De-arrested! 5:29m — Police stopped the Occupy Oakland Mobile Party Bus and searched it, then tried to stop and maybe tow the bus and charge the driver with a violation for a missing rear tail-light. The police may cite and detain those on the bus. Occupy SF marchers surrounded the police and the bus to demand that the police go home, then continued down California Street.
Hyatt Fountain Erupts in Support of Occupy
4:52pm — The anti-labor practices of the Hyatt apparently caused the fountain at the Grand Hyatt at Union Square to spontaneously erupt in rabid bubbles that overwhelmed the hotel’s steps. For over 2 1/2 years, Hyatt workers have fought for fair contracts and workers at all three San Francisco Hyatts have called for boycotts of their own hotels.
Storm the Fortress!
4:37pm — Protestors occupied Fortress Investments today to demand a halt to predatory equity scams where landlords and banks buy apartment buildings intending to remove rent-controlled units from the market so they can replace them with market-rate tenants. Fortress is demolishing over 1,500 rent-controlled apartments in Parkmerced and has evicted hundreds of tenants. The protestors marched around the building and a fake bike messenger snuck in the building to deliver a demand letter to Fortress CEO Daniel Mudd telling him to stop demolition of rent-controlled apartments and halt evictions of tenants.
20+ Arrests So Far!
4:37pm — According to Occupy Legal, so far at this point in time, the police have arrested a total of approximately 20 people, almost all of whom were cited for misdemeanor trespassing in the morning at all four doors of Wells Fargo Headquarters and released. The police arrested one person for a more serious charge who is apparently already out on bail.
POWER Protestors Occupy Muni to Demand Free Transportation for Youth
4:18pm — Protestors led by People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER) occupied busses running on Market and Mission Streets to demand free transportation for youth.
Wells Fargo Shutters Headquarters
4:16pm — Wells Fargo at 1 California (at Drumm) followed the lead of Wells headquarters and built wooden barriers in front of the building that apparently prevent all access to ATMs and the building entrances.
Protestors Have Blocked Bank of America Headquarters for 7+ Hours
4:00pm — Protestors have succeeded in blocking doors at the Bank of America headquarters at 345 Montgomery Street for more than seven hours!
Citi Apartments Protest
3:45pm — Protestors led by the Chinese Progressive Association of San Francisco occupied the Citi Apartments to fight for workers’ stolen wages!!
Wells Fargo Shutters Headquarters
3:30pm — Wells Fargo headquarters at 420 Montgomery (at California) built wooden barriers in front of the building that apparently prevent all access to ATMs and the building entrances.
Occupy Bernal Celebrating Halt to Foreclosure Auction
2:00pm — Occupy Bernal protestors are celebrating at City Hall their success in halting a foreclosure auction of neighbor Maria Davila’s property.
Riot Police Advancing on Protestors at Bank of America
2:00pm — Riot police headed toward protestors at the Bank of America at California and Montgomery.
99%-ers Closing Wells Fargo Account to Support Protestors
1:47pm — Some Wells Fargo customers, shocked by the treatment of Occupy protestors, decided to close their accounts at a downtown Wells Fargo branch.
Hundreds Protest Deportations and Immigration Policies
1:32pm — More than three hundred people are at the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office at 630 Sansome to demand that ICE stop tearing families apart, stop deportations and destabilizing communities in the name of “natural security” live video feed
Food Bank of America
1:03pm — The Occupy SF Autonomous Action Workgroup transformed a bank at 1 Market Street into the People’s Food Bank of America and fed hundreds of hungry protestors with nutritious, organic food to show the community what could be there instead of the Bank of America.
Live Video of Occupy the Courts Action
12:55pm — Live video of Occupy the Courts action.
600+ Protestors Marching From Fannie Mae to Immigration and Customs Enforcement
12:43pm — More than six hundred protestors are marching from Fannie Mae to the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office at 630 Sansome to demand that ICE stop tearing families apart, stop deportations and destabilizing communities in the name of “natural security”.
150+ Protestors Occupy the Federal Court
12:30pm — More than a hundred fifty protestors occupied the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals at 95 7th Street to demand a 28th amendment to the U.S. Constitution to end corporate personhood.
100+ Protestors Occupy Fannie Mae to Stop Evictions and Foreclosures
12:16pm — More than a hundred protestors occupied Fannie Mae at 55 California Street to stop evictions and foreclosures from predatory loan practices and to demand Fannie Mae turn over empty homes for affordable housing.
Food Bank of America Accepting Deposits and Making Meals
12:07pm — Food Bank of America is serving up meals at their new branch location at 1 Market Street. Bring deposits of canned food or non-perishables or just get fed!
Flash Mob Gathering at 555 California.
12:02pm — A flash mob is gathering at 555 California… check it out!
Human Billboard for Healthcare and Jobs for the 99%
11:21am — Human billboard and about 50 protestors at California Pacific Medical Center action at Van Ness Ave and Geary.
Police Violence and Arrest at California and Montgomery
11:14am — Police hitting with batons and shoving protestors at California and Montgomery. Police arrested videostreamer named Corey out of a crowd of approximately 250 protestors for unknown reason.
Occupy Bernal Pressures Wells Fargo to Postpone Foreclosure Auction
10:58am — Occupy Bernal is celebrating the postponement of an auction of a Wells Fargo home that two Bernal neighbors rent… w00t!
Protestors Re-Occupy Entrance at Wells Fargo Headquarters
10:46am — 10 protestors have returned to block off access to Wells Fargo Headquarters entrance near Montgomery and California, arrests imminent.
Amorphous Black Blob Occupies San Francisco
Mysterious amorphous black blob occupies San Francisco.
Citicorp Evicted
Protestors staged an eviction of Citicorp at 1 Sansome Street.
Occupy Bernal Shuts Down Bernal B of A Branch
10:11am — 45 Occupy Bernal protestors led by four families fighting eviction and foreclosure delivered demand letter and shut down Bank of America branch at 3250 Mission and 29th Streets, heading to Wells Fargo branch at 22nd and Mission Streets.
Banner Blocking Downtown Traffic
10:04am — Banner blocking intersection at Montgomery and California.
Protestors Take to the Streets at Bank of America
9:57am — Protestors take to the streets at Bank of America at 345 Montgomery.
20+ Protestors Gather at Bank of America Branch
9:54am — Twenty to twenty-five protestors have gathered at the Bank of America branch at Powell and Market Streets.
Police Commander Confirms Seven Arrests at Wells Fargo Headquarters
9:22am — Police Commander confirms seven arrests so far at Wells Fargo Headquarters entrance at 420 Montgomery.
Police Raid at Wells Fargo Headquarters
9:22am — Police are blocking off access to Wells Fargo Headquarters entrance at 420 Montgomery and cutting protestors out of lock boxes to arrest them.
Foreclosure House Party
9:21am — Foreclosure house party with music and furniture at 7th and Sansome Sts.
Protest Shutting Down Wells Fargo Headquarters
8:50am — 40 protestors and some squids now blocking entrances at Code Pink action at Wells Fargo Headquarters, 420 Montgomery St (at California).
Protestors Start Blockade of Bank of America
8:31am — Six people blocking entrance and five police guarding the ATM at 345 Montgomery Street Bank of America branch, 30 protestors there, need more.
68+ Protestors Lock Down Wells Fargo Headquarters
8:30am — Police and firefighters have assembled intending to cut bolts and chains used to bind together at least 68 protestors performing civil disobedience by blocking entrances to Wells Fargo bank headquarters building at Montgomery and California Streets.
Mobile Party Bus Occupies Wells Fargo
7:39am — Mobile party bus occupies Wells Fargo.
Activists Charge Bechtel
7:29am — Four activists at Bechtel, including Father Louis Vitale, 45 Beale St, are reading a list of charges against the corporation in the building lobby.
Wells Fargo Civil Disobedience
6:53am — About 30 Occupy Wall St West protestors have blocked five entrances of Wells Fargo Bank at 420 Montgomery Street (at California).
Squid Fry at Goldman Sachs
Code Pink welcomes you to fry squid at Goldman Sachs, the corporation Matt Taibbi referred to as “a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money. More info: Action List/Schedule
This Just In: California Department of Corrections Urges “Occupy the Banks”
During the week of January 16th, the California Department of Corrections successfully apprehended, rehabilitated and discharged more than one dozen bus shelter advertisements (see photo below) throughout San Francisco, including the intersection of California and Davis Street, one block from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
Banner Drops Let the 99% Know About Occupy Wall St West Actions Tomorrow
Activists dropped banners this morning to spread the word about the January 20, 2012, Occupy Wall St West actions.
Two banners, one reading “Liberate SF, January 20th – Occupy the Banks” and one reading “Occupy the Banks, Liberate SF – This Friday” were hung by activists to spread the word about the shutdown of the Financial District this Friday.
Occupy Wall St West Daylong Nonviolent Mass Occupation of SF Financial District
January 19, 2012
OccupySF Press Team +1 415 937-7759, press@occupywallstwest.org
Occupy Wall St West Daylong Nonviolent Mass Occupation of SF Financial District
San Francisco – Occupy San Francisco activists plan to occupy San Francisco’s Financial District this Friday, January 20 (J20), to demand that banks end predatory evictions and foreclosures and that corporations lose the rights of personhood. Protestors will target banks and corporations complicit in attacking Bay Area communities, homes, education, environment, livelihood, and democracy.
The Occupy Movement will continue to build a strategic mass movement asserting the power of the 99% for economic justice and a better world.
The J20 Wall Street West action kicks off 2012 with dozens of affinity groups (people self-organized into groups to participate in the occupation) and over 55 organizations targeting specific banks and corporations. Occupy Wall St West will be the largest occupation and street protest of the SF Financial District since anti-war mass nonviolent direct actions on March 20, 2003.
WHAT: Daylong protests and direct actions to disrupt business as usual for banks and corporations complicit in evictions and foreclosures, economic injustice, war profiteering, and labor rights violations.
WHEN: 6:00am-7:00pm, January 20, 2012. The day kicks off with a 6:00am squid fry at Goldman Sachs, 555 California St, and culminates with a 5pm March from Bradley Manning (Justin Herman) Plaza to 555 California St. Press liaisons will be available from 6:00am to 6:00pm at Bradly Manning Plaza welcoming station to direct press inquiries.
WHERE: Pre-planned actions are identified on the
action map (www.occupywallstwest.org/map) and
action schedule/list (www.occupywallstwest.org/actions)
plus orientations / mobilizations at 6am, noon, and ongoing
at Bradley Manning (Justin Herman) Plaza, San Francisco.
HOW: For interview requests and hot action story tips:
Day-of-action press hotline: (415) 937-7759
Email: press@occupywallstwest.org
For featured news roll, videostreams, and twitter feeds:
See www.occupywallstwest.org and http://www.occupysf.org
Subscribe to press list or obtain photos and video of the actions: www.occupywallstwest.org/press
- 6:00am-11:30am: “Squidding Goldman Sachs” people in giant squid costumes – 555 California St.
- 12:00pm (noon) (near California and Kearny), and 5:00pm (at Bradley Manning/Justin Herman Plaza): Large “One People” flashmob
- 12:00pm (noon): Occupy the Courts action at the 9th District Court of Appeals
- 4:30pm: Large labor protest at the Hyatt hotel
- Throughout the day: Iraq veterans simulating occupation outside Bechtel office and Bank of America transformed into “food bank”
(Call +1 415 937-7759 or check action schedule/list on day-of-action for times and locations.)
The January 20, 2012, Occupy Wall St West actions are the culmination of actions in which hundreds of protestors successfully shut down bank branches in the Excelsior, Mission, and Bernal neighborhoods.
Occupy SF strives to address and confront the injustices in our society by giving voice to the 99% through direct actions. OSF is simultaneously creating a new culture based on direct democracy, diversity, sustainable communities, and respect for all peoples and the environment.
Occupy SF Housing is a coalition which includes OccupySF, SF Tenants Union, Housing Rights Committee of SF, Causa Justa: Just Cause, Eviction Defense Collaborative, ACCE, Homes Not Jails, Occupy Bernal, and other community groups and individuals. The coalition came together to stop banks from evicting tenants and homeowners through foreclosures or through their partnerships with real estate speculators.
Over 50 additional organizations are participating in the Occupy Wall Street West Day of Action including: 28th Amendment Group, Ack-Act Theater, ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and Racism Coalition), Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), Asian Law Caucus, Bail Out the People Movement, Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace & Justice, California Nurses Association, Causa Justa: Just Cause, Coalition on Homelessness, Chinese Progressive Association, CODEPINK Women for Peace, Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth, Dancing Without Borders, Eviction Defense Collaborative, Filipino Community Center, Global Exchange, Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice, Homonomixxx, Housing Rights Committee, International Action Center, International Socialist Organization, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Jewish Youth for Community Action, Jobs with Justice, La Raza Centro LegalDay Laborer Program and Women’s Collective, Move to Amend, Move to Amend: Olympia, Mujeres Unidas y Activas, NationofChange, Occupy Bernal, Occupy Berkeley, Occupy MJC (Modesto Junior College), Occupy Oakland, Occupy SF General Assembly and Action Council, Occupy SF Housing Coalition, Occupy SFSU (San Francisco State University), Old Lesbians Organizing for Change, People Organized to Demand Environmental and Economic Rights, People Organized to Win Employment Rights, Pride at Work, Pride at Work/HAVOQ (Horizontal Alliance of Very Organized Queers), Progressive Workers Alliance, QUEEN, Rainforest Action Network, San Francisco for Democracy, San Francisco Labor Council, San Francisco Tenants Union, SF 99% Coalition, SF Gray Panthers, Seminary of the Street, SF Interfaith Allies of Occupy, SF-NOW, Workers World Party, Young Workers United.
Information on prior Occupy SF Housing actions:
Excelsior: www.occupywallstwest.org/wordpress/?p=362
Mission: www.occupywallstwest.org/wordpress/?p=713
Bernal: occupybernal.org/wordpress/?p=238 and occupybernal.org/wordpress/?p=190
Occupy Wall St West Action Schedule for January 20, 2012
Hi Occupals,
Just a little reminder of Friday’s big event. It sounds like there will be a lot of people joining us! Even if you can only make it for an hour you’ll bolster numbers. Take a look at the occupywallstwest.org site for more info or just show up and you should see people engaged in various forms of protest, performance, speaking out. You can start in Bradley Manning (Justin Herman) Plaza across from the Ferry Building where there will be orientation and a description of the various actions and their locations.
At 6:00am, 12:00 noon, and 5:00pm there will be rallies which will then move out into the Financial District. It sounds like rain (too bad) so bring your cozy rain gear. If you can’t make it please send this on to friends or call me for posters for you window or flyers to hand around to anyone.
Check out the latest Occupy Wall St West Action Schedule for January 20, 2012. (Please send updates to communications@occupywallstwest.org.)
(Thanks to Andy for some of this text.)
Press Conference on January 20, 2012, Occupy Wall St West Actions
At 10:00am this morning, January 18, 2012, Occupy Wall St West held a well-attended press conference with speeches and action announcements from a diverse group of affinity group and organizational representatives, including Iraq Veterans Against the War, Young Workers United, The Progressive Workers Alliance, Unite Here Local 2 Hotel and Restaurant Workers Union, California Nurses Association, Occupy SFSU (San Francisco State University), Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), the Episcopalian Church, and the ANSWER Coalition. Videostream available here (please endure the advertisement to see the program).