Goldman Sachs Action

Gather at Goldman Sachs office, 555 California Street, San Francisco, at 6:00am on January 20, 2012.

Back in 2009 Matt Taibbi referred to Goldman Sachs as “a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.” In honor of SG’s continued blood-sucking, we will fry up some squid in front of GS’s headquarters, preventing customers from entering. So bring a small frying pan and we’ll provide the squid.


Occupy Stonestown Bank Branches

Join students and supporters at 19th and Holloway (SF State University) at 8:15 am on January 20 for a march to Stonestown Galleria bank branch direct actions: Bank of America, Chase, Citibank, and Wells Fargo. Take a stand against predatory student lending practices, and attacks on poor and working class people. Called by The Debt Offensive affinity group of Occupy SFSU (San Francisco State University).


Occupy the Governor Action

At 3:00pm on January 20, occupy Governor Jerry Brown’s office in San Francisco: State Office Building at 455 Golden Gate Avenue. Please join us to demand that the state government tax corporations and the wealthy 1% to restore education and other crucial services for the 99%. Called by The Debt Offensive affinity group of Occupy SFSU (San Francisco State University).


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